
GiiModule is a module that provides Web-based code generation capabilities.

To use GiiModule, you must include it as a module in the application configuration like the following:
return array(
            'password'=>***choose a password***
Because GiiModule generates new code files on the server, you should only use it on your own development machine. To prevent other people from using this module, it is required that you specify a secret password in the configuration. Later when you access the module via browser, you will be prompted to enter the correct password. By default, GiiModule can only be accessed by localhost. You may configure its {@link ipFilters} property if you want to make it accessible on other machines. With the above configuration, you will be able to access GiiModule in your browser using the following URL: http://localhost/path/to/index.php?r=gii If your application is using path-format URLs with some customized URL rules, you may need to add the following URLs in your application configuration in order to access GiiModule:
            ...other rules...
You can then access GiiModule via: http://localhost/path/to/index.php/gii


Displaying 1-10 of 22 results.
passwordnullThe password that can be used to access GiiModule. If this property is set false, then GiiModule can be accessed without password (DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW THE CONSEQUENCE!!!)string
ipFiltersarray ( '', '::1', )The IP filters that specify which IP addresses are allowed to access GiiModule. Each array element represents a single filter. A filter can be either an IP address or an address with wildcard (e.g. 192.168.0.*) to represent a network segment. If you want to allow all IPs to access gii, you may set this property to be false (DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW THE CONSEQUENCE!!!) The default value is array('', '::1'), which means GiiModule can only be accessed on the localhost.array
generatorPathsarray ( 'application.gii', )A list of path aliases that refer to the directories containing code generators. The directory referred by a single path alias may contain multiple code generators, each stored under a sub-directory whose name is the generator name. Defaults to array('application.gii').array
newFileMode438The permission to be set for newly generated code files. This value will be used by PHP chmod function. Defaults to 0666, meaning the file is read-writable by all users.integer
newDirMode511The permission to be set for newly generated directories. This value will be used by PHP chmod function. Defaults to 0777, meaning the directory can be read, written and executed by all users.integer
defaultController'default'The ID of the default controller for this module. Defaults to 'default'.string
layoutnullThe layout that is shared by the controllers inside this module. If a controller has explicitly declared its own {@link CController::layout layout}, this property will be ignored. If this is null (default), the application's layout or the parent module's layout (if available) will be used. If this is false, then no layout will be used.mixed
controllerNamespacenullNamespace that should be used when loading controllers. Default is to use global namespace. @since 1.1.11string
controllerMaparray()Mapping from controller ID to controller configurations. Pleaser refer to {@link CWebApplication::controllerMap} for more details.array
preloadarray()The IDs of the application components that should be preloaded.array
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